Foundamental Principles

Mauro Guerresco SNC and assures that your personal data will always be treated according to the legal principles, necessity, reserve and discretion as recommended by the Italian law decree D.lgs 196/03 of the Italian judicial order. In particular, we consider the privacy of our clients to be very important. It for this reason, that besides displaying the complete information on the treatment of personal data as requested by the existing laws, we would like to point out to our clients, that even in the most concise of ways, all of the data that we collect on our website will be used only for the purposes which we have stated (for example: information requests, processing of your order etc.) and for no reason will it be subjected to circulation of any kind at any time.

Credit Cards

The personal data collected will be stored in systems that implement the latest state-of-the-art technology and the strongest politics regarding informational security; in particular, the data relative to the credit cards utilized for purchasing will be directly transmitted through crypted secure channels to Cassa Rurale (the banking structure which we have selected for payment of our goods) and will be eventually stored solely within this system. Mauro Guerresco SNC and will have no knowledge whatsoever of the your credit card data at any time.


The cookies which may eventually be forwarded by this website, will serve the sole purpose of allowing the correct functioning of the procedures foreseen for locating (the correct selection of the language to be used during navigation on our website) and for e-commerce. Until the moment comes in which we will not be required to insert in explicit fashion personal information following your specific needs (request for contact, purchasing online) all of the data will remain completely anonymous and cannot be traced back directly to you in either a direct or indirect way.


Only at the initial connection made with our site, based on the PI remote address, can a vague hypothesis of the possible remote location of the user be made, with the sole purpose of this being to supply to these users, in the process of navigation, the language that we hope will be theirs or better known to them. The only information which may be retrieved at this point, is the probable nation from which the connection is being made


No section of this website will used for tracking and/or profiling technology of the user, nor will we delegate a component to third parties with the expertise to do so; the information relative to your navigation of on our website will not be registered, while the information relative to your request for contact or purchase will be utilized for the sole implementation of the duties which have been given to us.

Legislative Decree 196 of June 30th, 2003 "Code in nature and protection of personal information"

Regarding data of a personal nature acquired in connection with on-line transactions or registration with Mauro Guerresco SNC,, wishes to inform you that:

  1. The personal data which you have supplied to us or that we have acquired in the course of our business practice are subject to the protection and the principles of correct practice, legality, transparency and treatment of your reserved rights as protected under Legislative Decree 196 of June 30th , 2003, the Italian personal data protection law;
  2. The treatment of your personal data that is collected or processed in any way, has the sole purpose of carrying out the obligations set forth by the law, contractual or otherwise deriving from commissions which you have assigned to us.
  3. All data may be handled on paper, electronically and/or on screen, and in any event employing methods and procedures that ensure security and confidentiality, complying with all aspects of the current legislation;
  4. Supply of the data is optional, however the refusal to provide all the authorized data required or a portion of it could result in an imperfect transaction or a partial execution of the purchase order / contract that you have commissioned to us.
  5. The data may be transmitted to us exclusively for the sole use indicated above, to determining parties such as legal or tax consultants, banking institutions or shipping companies with the purpose of fulfilling our obligations as cited above. Other parties may come to the knowledge of our data as those deemed professionally responsible or commissioned to handle treatment of the data. Under no circumstances will personal data become the subject of circulation.
  6. The controller of the processing of personal data is MAURO GUERRESCO SNC, Via Roma 35, 32043 Cortina d’Ampezzo(BL) Italy ; The manager responsible for the treatment of personal data is Mr. Mauro Guerresco. It is possible for you to receive an updated version of this document with an updated list of those responsible by directly contacting the person indicated above at any time. An updated version of this document also available for viewing online at:
  7. In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the interested party has the right to have his or her personal data updated, rectified, added to or erased. The data subject may also object to the information being used by writing to MAURO GUERRESCO SNC, Via Roma 35, 33043 Cortina d’Ampezzo (BL), Italy or by sending an e-mail to:;
  8. You may contact the controller or manager of personal data at any time to exercise your rights as set forth in article 7 of D.lgs n.196/20 203 which we have printed below for your convenience:

ARTICLE 7 Right to Access of Personal and Other Data

  1. The interested party has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or absence of personal data regarding him/her, even though it may not yet be registered and their transmission may be unintelligible.
  2. The interested party has the right to obtain indications of:
    1. The origins or source of said personal data
    2. The method and finality of treatment
    3. The logic applied in case of treatment effected by the use of auxiliary electronic instrumentation
    4. The full particulars identifying the controller, manager and representative as designated in article 5, paragraph 2
    5. The people and the category of people to which the personal data may be communicated to or who may acquire knowledge as a result of being designated as the person, in Italian national territory, as the one responsible or commissioned to handle such data.
  3. The interested party reserves the right to:
    1. Update, to rectify or when it is of interest to him/her, to add information to their personal data
    2. To cancel, to transform to anonymous form or to block out data handled in violation of the law, including that which is not deemed necessary for conservation in relationship to the purpose for which the data was gathered and successfully handled.
    3. The confirmation that the operation applying to letter a) and b) were carried out knowingly, also with regards to its contents, of those whose data were transmitted or circulated, except in the case of those obligations that were revealed to be impossible or which involved the utilization of methods greatly out of proportion with respect to the rights of those protected.
  4. The interested party has the right to oppose, in whole or in part:
    1. For legitimate reasons to the treatment of his/her personal data, although it may still be pertinent to the purpose for which they were collected
    2. To the treatment of personal data that regards him/her for the purpose of forwarding advertising or publicity material, or for direct sale or for marketing studies or for commercial business communicated.